During this summer Vilnius University Health & Sport Centre for the fourth time in a row organised an international project "University Summer Challenge 2019". Almost one and a half thousand of students, professors, administrative staff and other employees from eleven higher education institutions competed in this summer's Project. Participants recorded their physical activity in the Project's platform, and by doing this, gained points for their universities.
Project's home country Lithuania was represented by these universities: Vilnius University, Vytautas Magnus Universitety, Šiauliai University, Mykolas Romeris University, Klaipėda University, Lithuanian Sports University, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and Kaunas University of Technology. This year, two foreign higher education institutions also joined the Project: University of Porto in Portugal and The Academic College at Wingate in Israel.
From June 1st to August 31st, almost one million active minutes have been registered in the platform www.active-summer.vu.lt! Lithuanian Sports University, since 2017 defended their status of the most active community of all the participants, and became the winner for the third time.
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University took the second place, enthusiastically participating in the Project and gaining active minutes from the beginning of June. Vilnius University got the third place this year.
University Summer Challenge is a lively Project, which aims to increase physical activity within academic communities in universities by challenging them into associating academic world with active lifestyle and physical activity with fun.
Results of the Project are pleasing – ammount of registered minutes met the recommendations of World Health Organisation to be physically active for at least 30 minutes each day.
University Summer Challenge will take place again next summer - we invite every university and its community to join and become more active together! Platform of the Project: www.active-summer.vu.lt